
Jnee is an advanced Programmatic Job Advertising platform, helping employers find their ideal candidates and job seekers the suitable job opportunities they are looking for.

Jnee helps employers find their ideal candidates and job seekers the suitable job opportunities they are looking for.

Absolutely, Jnee is free to use and does not ask you for any kind of payment for its services.

It’s easy - all you got to do is -

  • In the search bar - type a job title or a company name you want to work.
  • In the location field - type the location you would like to get a job.
  • Click on the search button to access the search results.

  1. If you feel the recruiter is not answering your questions or is giving you vague answers, then clearly there's something off.
  2. High Turnover - If you find employees leaving a company shortly after they start a job, it is a strong indication that there's something wrong with the company culture.
  3. Unusually quick or lengthy hiring process.
  4. An unclear job description.

Here are some of the ways that would help you to stay motivated during your job search.

  • Put your career goals on paper.
  • Seek constructive criticism.
  • Stick to a daily schedule.
  • Focus on small steps.
  • Surround yourself with people who motivate you.
  • Take care of yourself - physically & mentally.
  • Take a break.

Do the following -

  • Wear appropriate interview attire.
  • Show up on time.
  • Keep your documents organized.
  • Maintain a good posture.
  • Show enthusiasm.

Follow the tips below -

  • Prepare your answers.
  • Dress professionally.
  • Organize your documents.
  • Reach the location in time.
  • Maintain a good posture.
  • Make eye contact while answering questions.
  • Don't fidget when answering.
  • Answer calmly.
  • Avoid Rambling.
  • Practice your handshake.

You should update your CV twice a year.

You don’t need a different CV for each job. You just have to customize your CV.

Here are the few things you will notice if the company is interested in you -

  • They will ask about your salary expectations.
  • They discuss perks.
  • Conversation turns casual.
  • Interviewer asks about transition steps
  • The interviewer replies to your thank you email after the interview.
  • There could be a number of reasons for this -

    • You are not qualified for the position.
    • You are not keyword-optimizing your resume or application.
    • You are not formatting your resume properly.
    • You are not tailoring your resume for each application.

    Things that will tell you that the job opportunity is fake.

    • The job seems too good to be true, with a high salary for little work.
    • Contact information of the company is not available or is sketchy.
    • You are asked to provide personal financial details.
    • Skeptical Email Address.
    • You are asked to pay to get a job.

    • Google the alleged company name.
    • Don't believe in anything that sounds too good to be true.
    • Never pay for a job.
    • Be careful when filling out online forms.
    • Keep your personal and financial information private.

    It’s quite simple. Just fill out the form available on our ‘Contact Us’ page, and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.